Join us for an interactive discussion to continue making creative connections started at Cre8con, using this opportunity in time to brainstorm and discuss ideas for how to keep the cross-industry networking going, both in-person and online. Our goal is to come away with specific action items and volunteer leaders to help make it happen.
Cre8con is unique because by design it brings together creatives from a variety of industries and creative output types. This powerful mix can foster new opportunities both professionally and personally. The workshop will attempt to activate a sustainable way to help make that happen.
The discussion will be facilitated by a pair of creatives who have a proven track record of building creative communities:
Beth Inglish is a visual artist and the founder of the Nashville Creative Group, an active network that has grown to over 8,000 members over the past 7 years and has monthly meet-ups as well as a thriving Facebook group.
Steve Gehlen is a digital marketing/commerce professional, Chairman of Cre8con, and founder or co-founder of 4 different non-profit community-centric organizations in Portland:
- Keeping the Arts (2007-present), the non-profit that uses proceeds from Cre8con to grant financial support to youth arts education programs in Oregon (over $154,000 granted to-date).
- Internet Strategy Forum (2004-2009), which grew into a national professional association with chapters in 7 cities and an annual Summit conference in Portland attended by corporate Internet executives from around the country.
- Oregon Creative Industries (2008-2010).
- Oregon Multimedia Alliance (mid-90’s), merged with the Software Association of Oregon (now Technology Association of Oregon).
DATE: Saturday, 09-28-19
TIME: 1:30pm – 3:30pm
COST: $10 (to cover refreshments)
LOCATION: OSU Portland Center, 555 SW Morrison Street, Suite 2100, Portland, OR 97204